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Friday, September 30, 2011

Roulette Strategy Tips for Winning

Roulette Strategy Tips will help you increase your payouts, minimize house edge, but hardly eliminate it, so out top roulette strategy tips include:

Tip 1. The first and the most recognized roulette strategy tip is about the type of roulette game you want to play. To start with, there are two types, one of them is known as European roulette, and the other is the American roulette variant.

The main difference between them is that the former has only one zero, while the latter has two zeros thus increasing the house edge. So the first step to your winning roulette strategy is for you to always choose European roulette.

It will take you some time to find that roulette variant in the US in land-based casinos, but you will face no such problems when gambling at online casinos.

Tip 2. Another roulette strategy tip concerns the bets you make. Frankly speaking, not bets themselves, but odds they offer. So wagers with the highest odds are single-number bets. But a ball drops into such a single slot on average just once in 37 spins due to probability theory.

But roulette is a game of chance, and the best quality of roulette is that it is completely random. So place column and dozen bets and add a black or a red wager can be one of the best roulette betting strategies.

Tip 3.Roulette is the game that has made few gamblers rich. There are a bunch of other casino games that are designed to make players millionaires. But roulette is a game for those who love fun and care little about winning huge amounts.

There is one more final roulette strategy tip and this is to put into play a good money management system that will have you walking away when you are winning.

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